Monday, January 30, 2017

The Onnit Academy


As a personal trainer and the owner of Mile High Nutrition and Fitness in Aurora, Colorado, Alexander Garbiso is very dedicated to helping his clients achieve personal fitness. Alexander Garbiso began working as a personal trainer for Bally Total Fitness in Aurora and is also an Onnit-certified trainer.

The Onnit Academy in Austin, Texas, is operated by Master Trainer Joey Alvarado and is designed to help those who deal with joint mobility issues, such as knee pain, to use his top five mobility exercises to gain better fitness and overcome the pain. The five mobility exercises are designed around the use of resistance bands to regain strength and mobility.

The Onnit program helps those who are dealing with knee pain resulting from conditions like tendinitis, osteoarthritis, jumper’s knee, and torn ligaments to give their knees more strength with five simple exercises. These exercises can be done on your own without the need for expensive equipment.